Conservative Government Under Boris Johnson - 2019 UK Politics
A prime minister with the greatest strength and courage since Thatcher. No more wishy washy politics.
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Conservative Government Under Boris Johnson - 2019 UK Politics 5 Comments 🤔
➤ 02/09/2019 @ 10:15
I think you are confusing strength with utter idiocracy !
Samantha B
➤ 02/09/2019 @ 10:16
Thatcher! What did Thatcher ever do!
Samantha B
➤ 02/09/2019 @ 10:17
I really don't know! That was an actual question?!
➤ 02/09/2019 @ 05:30
Your 🤬ing prime minister does not believe in his own supporter and that’s why he did not call a general election today ... he know he does not have the support of the country and he know he will be out! He is an idiot dictator from and he needs to be put back in his place! I hope Tory MPs will do what’s write for the country and force his hand for a general election 🗳
➤ 02/09/2019 @ 05:35
@Smantha B, I don’t know what thatcher did either 🤨