Not that terrible, more bitter then what you expect and prefer the similar tea from Liddle but the Tesco one is not that bad! As it says on the pack it is zesty and worming
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Tesco Lemon and Ginger Infusion Tea ☕ 14 Comments 🤔
Blue Harvest
➤ 02/05/2019 @ 11:08
I prefer the Twining one! but it cost twice as much for half the quantity
Blue Harvest
➤ 02/05/2019 @ 05:18
The Liddle one is good too....
Samantha B
➤ 02/05/2019 @ 05:26
I like peppermint tea!
Samantha B
➤ 02/05/2019 @ 05:28
and I also like camomile tea... So soothing
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 07:31
I am a coffee ☕️ drinker ! So no tea for me !
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:07
I am having my 3 cup today! Thank you all for sharing your epic tea stories
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:09
If you want to really enjoy a herbal tea do not add any sugar to honey and of course NO MILK
Blue Harvest
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:35
Yes milk in tea is disgusting! Really really disgusting...
Blue Harvest
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:39
Never ever anyone should ever put any milk in their tea!
Blue Harvest
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:44
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:52
Samantha B
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:55
You all must be very bored !!!
Samantha B
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 02:56
Like really really bored 😑
Blue Harvest
➤ 03/05/2019 @ 03:03
Its friday... This is a good way to kill the time... with a cup of tea