They charge £2.50 per minute for the help line and charge me £120 for a 5 minute appointment to take my biometric data! Shame on you Tory government for subcontractor home office work to the private sector so they can profiteer for poor immigrants!
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Sopra Steria - UKVCAS 4 Comments 🤔
➤ 22/05/2019 @ 11:44
As a referee needed an appointment.... nothing available (unless you pay £100), then miraculously one morning managed to get a free slot in June (2019). However did NOT receive a confirmation email, so phoned Home Office 0800 number (this is specifically for Steria appointments) to be told to contact Steria. Reluctantly phoned them (at £2..50 per minute + access charges) - in a queue !!! gave up after 2 minutes. Went to their site and "Make an enquiry" - an online form which often (had to use it several times now) refuses to "Submit" because you have typed 'illegal' characters in there (they don't tell you what is 'illegal'
➤ 22/05/2019 @ 11:53
Continued !!!! needed a paragraph, hit return and it went !!! Aagghhh !!! Sent an enquiry (no confirmation email of appointment) to be told to check your spam folders... asked if they would send the original showing date and time sent (my mail does NOT go to spam or junk), they will not do this !! They do everything they can to get you to phone them at £2.50 per minute. This is not right. 10 minutes on the phone to them is going to cost £25 + charges. Something has to be done about this.
➤ 12/06/2019 @ 03:39
They are really awful! it is a money making machine, the Tory government is taking shortcuts on the expense of poor immigrants. A public review is needed as this is simply not acceptable!
➤ 23/06/2019 @ 09:04
Awful, can’t comment beyond that not worth the time.